Extending the MetamodelΒΆ

When extending the taxonomy metamodel, such as defining a new field type, there are a number of implications this has on the code base: - the exchange format needs to be updated to be able to represent this (types/src/lib.rs) - the exporter logic (src/common/TaxonomyExporter) - the JSON schema generator needs to be updated (src/common/JSONSchemaExporter.ts) - the taxonomy parser - which imports from CSV (src/common/TaxonomyParser.ts) - the filters on the data dashboard need to use the appropriate widget (src/routers/Search/dashboard/src/components/TaxonomyFilterTree.svelte)

Usually, I simply grep for an existing field, like UriField to see where it is used in the code base when reminding myself of the places that need updating. :)